Thursday, 21 December 2023

Level 12, Imperial Archive, Week 3


15: Face of Assignment

  • Stern marble face with jewels for eyes watches the hall. Scorch marks on the marble.

  • (!) The face fires disintegration rays at anyone whose face it doesn’t recognise.

  • Fist-sized jewels worth 500 coins each. 

16: Living Collage

  • Human forms piled together and frozen in place behind some grey, waxy, plastic substance. You could have sworn you saw a limb twitch.

  • (?) Barrier is impervious to most weapons.

17: Spout

  • A funnel of jutting stone slabs, rising 100’.

18: Army

  • (!) 100 undead soldiers, silent and still, in silver armour.

  • An echoing hall supported by pillars in the shape of nude titans.

19: Death Masks

  • Hundreds of painted clay death masks line the hall.

  • (??) 2d6 are actually gold, worth 100 coins each.

20: Ceiling Pool

  • Fish swim in a pool on the ceiling, fed by water from the reverse hall (a 60’ drop).

21: Rotating Room

  • A single entrance/exit. A golden globe held by cherubs in the centre.

  • (?) Twist the globe to rotate the room in 90 degree increments.

Friday, 15 December 2023

Level 12, Imperial Archive, Week 2

From NaissanceE.


8: Librarian’s Bureau

  • Lair of the Librarian, many-limbed, eldritch, levitating mummy within flowing robes.

    • Mien: whispering, severe

    • Wants: new books & specimens; return of stolen materials

    • Needs: order, silence

    • Fears: the Emperor

    • Knows: the location of any object within the archive (index is in the holographer on its desk)

Sublevel: Xerocrux

  • The xerocrux is a cylindrical chamber within an outer room wrapped around it; four hallways lead into the outer room.

  • (!) Gravity within the xerocux flows perpendicularly, in the direction of the crux (i.e. each hall does ‘down’). The chamber itself has no gravity.

9: Xerocrux: South Hall

  • (!) ‘Bottom’ of the hall is a pool of clear liquid (acid).

  • Lined with shelves of archival papers.

10: Xerocrux: West Hall

  • (!?) ‘Bottom’ of the hall is a forest of long pyramidal obelisks of obsidian, inscribed with commemorative inscriptions. These are razor-sharp and function exactly like deadly blades.

  • Lined with shelves of oddities; locks of hair, pinned insects, seeds, tissue samples in glass.

11: Xerocrux: North Hall

  • (!) Midway down the hall is webbed with golden filaments of cutting light.

  • Bottom of the hall is the adamant doors of the crux chamber.

  • Lined with shelves of records on clay tablets.

12: Xerocrux: East Hall

  • (!?) ‘Bottom’ of the hall is a forest of long pyramidal obelisks of obsidian, inscribed with commemorative inscriptions. These are razor-sharp and function exactly like deadly blades.

  • Lined with shelves of records on holographic lead glyph tablets.

13: Xerocrux: Chamber

  • A cylindrical bookcase.

  • (??) The rarest books and treasures are here. Imperial seal; genealogical records; the dynastic sword, Sunburst, adamant blade in golden scabbard; the Librarian’s spellbook.

14: Secret Staircase

  • Marble nymph proffering a golden apple.

  • (??) Twist the apple to open the secret door to the spiral stair down to the Emperor’s solar on level 10.

Wednesday, 13 December 2023

Level 12: Imperial Archive, Week 1

M. C. Escher, naturally.

The universal store of knowledge. The emperor is vanished somewhere within.

There are no wandering monsters; just cold, altitude sickness, and guardians in their lairs.

1: Ziggurat Stair

  • Ascends from the Temple of Industry to the silver star doors of the archive. Turns at right angles, ascending hundreds of feet in a kinked spiral.

2: Knights of the Chain

  • (!) Twin knights, undead within golden armour and lion masks, armed with great flails. None shall pass.

  • A vastly high, echoing hall of white marble.

3: Balcony

  • The sun is black; the world is on fire.

4: Courtyard

  • A marble god pours water; the fountain runs over, and trickles into the neighbouring halls.

5: Reverse Hall

  • (!) Gravity is reversed in his 60’ room.

  • Water from the courtyard trickles upward to the ceiling.

6: Gravity Cube Stacks

  • Rows of bookshelves. The walls and ceiling have their own rows of shelves, anchored to each plane. Stairs ascend from the ceiling to the reverse stair corridor. 

  • (?) Each surface of this room has its own gravity. The very centre has none.

  • (!) Lair of the ink demons, hiding with books.

  • (??) If you need a book, it might be here.

7: Reverse Stair Corridor

  • (!?) Reverse gravity; stair connects to the ceiling of the Gravity Cube Stacks and the Reverse Hall.

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Level 11: Temple of Industry, Weeks 3 & 4

15: Thermopanoplia

  • 1d6 armoured, insulated heat suits.

  • (?) Suits are very uncomfortable to wear for prolonged periods.

16: Pistons

  • (!) 2 moving piston arms gyrate across the room, threatening to rush anyone who tries to cross (unless the turbine was stopped somehow).

17: Clockwork

  • (!) Whirling gears to crush and mangle.

  • (?) …Unless the turbine was stopped.

18: Transformers

  • Static hum, smell of ozone.

  • (!) Poorly insulated electrical components.

19: Vigilator Assembly

  • Robot cranes; grinding machinery; automaton limbs; sparking cables.

20: Timepiece: Vigilator’s Door

  • Heavy metal door engraved with arcane patterns.

  • (?) Unlocked.

21: Timepiece: Heart Antechamber Door

  • Heavy metal door engraved with arcane patterns.

  • (?) Unlocked.

22: Timepiece: Main Door

  • Heavy metal door engraved with arcane patterns.

  • (?) Locked and electrified.

23: Timepiece: Clockwork Shrine

  • The great timekeeper, a bronze titan with a clock face with lifelike hands. Offerings of jewels, hair and teeth about his feet.

  • (?) 3d6 jewels with 100 coins each.

  • (?) The clock face not only keeps the time, but determines the time, so long as the machinery keeps running. Each attempt to force the hands has a chance of irreparably breaking the mechanism, however.

24: Fungus Farm

  • Bizarre wood fungus growing from a pile of roots and branches from desert shrubs.

  • (?) Fungus is inedible without cooking, and is tainted by the poisoned water.

25: Bee Wizard

  • Giant bee with an opalescent, crimson carapace etched with bizarre runes.

    • Mien: clicks and clacks and frustrated gestures. Communicates via a brass box speech translator.

    • Wants: a cure for their people’s illness.

    • Needs: a safe home for their band. They came here as refugees.

    • Fears: the disease and the robots.

    • Knows: their people are infected by some disease that makes them erratic and sometimes dangerous. Something dangerous lives within the blocked-off area.

26: Mud Well

  • Overflow from the waste pipes is captured here. Bees use it as their source of water.

  • (??!) Water appears clean, but eventually causes ego death and direct experience of the dragon’s dead mind.

27: Bee Lair

  • Peaceful giant bees with carapaces in various brilliant colours.

  • (?) Some seem catatonic. All ignore attempts to communicate.

28: Bee Bully Lair

  • (!) The most far-gone bees, erratic and violent.

29: Hive Tunnels

  • Winding like a termite mound.

30: Ventilation Shafts

  • Tall pits like waterless wells, raised to the sky.

Monday, 4 December 2023

Level 11: Temple of Industry, Week 2

From Blame! by Tsutomu Nihei


8: Canal, Waste Channels

  • Metal pipes that project over the back side of the ziggurat to expel waste. A long way down.

  • Strange fungi grow in the pipes.

9: Canal, Coolant Channels

  • Filled with crimson, phosphorescent water.

  • (!) Immersion sickens over time. Drinking sickens rapidly.

  • (?) Water is heated by the Heart, which drives the turbine blades that drive the machinery in the Automat and charge the alcoves. Hot water expands into the blades, flowing in a circular motion.

10: Canal, Turbine Blades

  • (!) Being thrown into the spinning blades is unlikely to end well.

  • (?) Venting the canals stops the flow.

11: Canal, Heart Exchange

  • (!) Here, where the canal wraps around the heart chamber, the water/air is dangerously hot.

  • (?) Before the spiral: a metal door to the heart antechamber, which can be opened if the canal has been drained.

12: Canal, Water Spout

  • (?) Brass wheel above the canal opens the spout, flooding the canal. It takes several hours to fill.

13: Heart Antechamber

  • (!) The round heart chamber radiates waves of intense heat.

  • Visible through the adamant wall of the heart chamber: the blazing heart of a dragon.

  • (!?) The metal door to the chamber is too hot to touch.

14: Heart Chamber

  • (!) To enter without protection is fiery death.

#dungeon23: The End!

  Anastasios Gionis 22: History Section (!) The shambling, starved, eyeless horror. 23: Occult Section (!) Every book is sealed with a poiso...