Wednesday 24 February 2021

Random Encounters in a Dying Era

Roll 1d6

(1) 2d6 indignant desert birds

(2) 1d6 roots that clutch this stony rubbish

(3) 2d4 men without qualities

(4) 1d4 angels (save vs. spell or perish from their stronger existence)

(5) 1d6 philosophers born stinking from the thigh of Nietsche

(6) It was scarcely dark in the valley when he left the Castle of Erl, and went so swiftly up the witch's hill that a dim light lingered yet on its highest heaths when he came near the cottage of the one that he sought, and found her burning bones at a fire in the open. To her he said that the day of his need was come. And she bade him gather thunderbolts in her garden, in the soft earth under her cabbages.


 Look, it's another tabletop RPG blog! On Blogger, no less!

Expect a lot of work-in-progress snapshots of tabletop RPG designs and content I'm working on, alongside a serving, hopefully not immoderate, of designerly pontificaton.

#dungeon23: The End!

  Anastasios Gionis 22: History Section (!) The shambling, starved, eyeless horror. 23: Occult Section (!) Every book is sealed with a poiso...