Back to doing the #dungeon23 thing after a brief hiatus due to travel. Now that I'm able to maintain a routine, I'll be back to doing one of these every day. To keep things neat, I'm contemplating just writing the rooms offline and making a post of the week's progress at the end of each week, but that does seem like duplicated effort. I'm open to suggestions!
Rather than wreck myself trying to catch up all at once, I'm going to do a minimum of one room each day and fill in the extras as the mood takes me, viz.:
Fortress of Decay, Ring Road
Themes: ghoul lair
R1: Midden
(o) An indescribable smell. A wound in the earth, 30 foot across at the mouth and 90 down to its gloomy end. The lip, bottom and sides are heaped with sun-dried bodies, bones, broken paving stones, and rubbish.
(?) Can be climbed, with danger of falls, snagging, or an avalanche of rocks and bodies.
(?) Leads down to demon lair in L2: Necropolis.
(??) The gleam of a golden helmet, halfway down the midden.
R2: Watch Tower
(o) A stone tower in the shape of colossal entwined bodies. Great bronze doors below; a ring of gaping almost-human mouths above.
(!) Lair of a group of ghoul soldiers with hatchets and crossbows, eager for prey. What they don't eat, they throw in the midden.
(?) Door is barred on the inside.
(?) Mouths are firing ports and lookouts. Give a good view of the city.
(??) Ghoul leader wears a necklace of looted rings worth 100 coins.
R3: 1st Water Mouth
(o) White marble pond with dregs with algal water. A great, open-mouthed stone face looms in the wall, 30 feet above.
(?) A tiny trickle of water stains the wall, running down from the lips of the mouth.
(!) Algal water is sickening to drink.
(??) The irrigation channel inside the mouth is closed by a sluice. Breaking or prying it open releases a flood of water and leads to the 1st Sluice in L4: Forest Garden.
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